
Welcome to Arc Advanced ™, in this course, we will explore Arc's file structure and learn how to leverage it to our advantage in order to access exclusive features by manipulating Arc's system files.

How does Arc work?

Upon installation, Arc creates a folder named "Arc" in ~/Library/Application Support. This folder is specific to each user account on your MacOS device. If you have multiple users, Arc's files will only exist for the user account where Arc was installed.

All data collected and generated by Arc is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Arc. The "default" Arc folder should be approximately 70.6 MB in size.

<aside> ⚠️ If you're curious, you can examine its contents by downloading and inspecting the provided zip file. This is completely optional and is not required to download for this tutorial.


Now that you understand the importance of this folder, it's also important to prevent accidental corruption. If, at any point during this process, you decide not to proceed further, we will ensure that you can easily revert to the default Arc configuration.

How to make a backup of Arc

  1. Open Finder
  2. Press ⌘⇧G and type in ~/Library/Application Support and click Enter
  3. Locate the folder named “Arc”
  4. Right click the selected folder and select the option labeled Compress "Arc"
  5. Drag the newly created file somewhere safe and secure.

You've now created a backup of all of your currently saved Arc data. You can now proceed with modifying Arc's files without the risk of losing any data.

How to modify Arc
